Sugen på att se stjärnorna från en annan vinkel?
Eller att följa en roadies vardagsliv?
Good news. Nu kan du det.
Vice kör en serie där Jesse Hughes härjar runt och kollar röda mattan på Golden God Awards, livet med Steel Panthers och lite annat. Än så länge har fyra avsnitt visats på siten och fler kommer.
Här har du en knippe teasers och texter, så det är ju bara att inse att detta behöver du följa - speciellt om du råkar vara på väg till Staterna snart - med en spelning med Steel Panthers inplanerad (ingen nämnd, ingen glömd - eller hur Per och Magnus?)
Aftonbladet kör också denna serie (men har av någon anledning bara kört ut första delen, numera finns det fem!)
In Episode 1 of Marshall Headphones: On The Road Jesse goes to The Wiltern theatre in LA to meet legendary soundman Hutch as he works on a special performance by Queens of the Stone Age. He also talks to Josh Homme and Troy Van Leeuwen from the band about the band/roadie relationship and why Hutch is essentially a member of QOTSA.
In Episode 2 of Marshall Headphones: On The Road Jesse swings by the Golden Gods Awards as anyone who’s anyone in metal arrives on the black carpet and asks them why there isn’t an award for roadies. He then pays a visit to probably the most notorious metal roadie of all time, Jef Hickey who has worked with the likes of Motorhead and Megadeth.
Episode 3 of Marshall Headphones: On The Road and after a tour of the legendary Sunset Strip, Jesse heads for the House of Blues to meet Nick Rucker, the one man road crew for Steel Panther, the band that has been paying homage to the music, questionable style and hedonism of 80s style hair metal for the last ten years and are showing no signs of slowing down.
In Episode 2 of Marshall Headphones: On The Road Jesse swings by the Golden Gods Awards as anyone who’s anyone in metal arrives on the black carpet and asks them why there isn’t an award for roadies. He then pays a visit to probably the most notorious metal roadie of all time, Jef Hickey who has worked with the likes of Motorhead and Megadeth.
Episode 3 of Marshall Headphones: On The Road and after a tour of the legendary Sunset Strip, Jesse heads for the House of Blues to meet Nick Rucker, the one man road crew for Steel Panther, the band that has been paying homage to the music, questionable style and hedonism of 80s style hair metal for the last ten years and are showing no signs of slowing down.
Underbar serie, Tack för tipset!