Vince Neil "Exposed" - smutsrock!
Abstrakt Algebra "S/t" - Doom
October Tide "Tunnel Of No Light" - melodisk döds
Come Sleep "The Burden Of Ballast" - slömangel, doom/sludge...
HIM "Dark Light" - goth (?)
Vildhjarta "Måsstaden" - djent metal
Inter Arma "Sky Burial" - sludge
Mgla "Groza" - black metal
Noctem "Oblivion" och Noctum "The Seance" - dubbelgiv, dödsthrash och 70-talshårdrock
Killswitch Engage "The End Of Heartache" - Göteborgsdöds från USA
Aeon "Rise To Dominate" - dödsmetall
Xentrix "For Whose Advantage?" thrash
The Damned Things "Ironiclast" - klassisk supergruppshårdrock
Rev 16:8 "Ashlands" - black metal
Ark "Burn The Sun" - progressiv hårdrock
Napalm Death "The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code" - grind
Nile "Annihilation Of The Wicked" - teknisk döds
Onslaught "In Search Of Sanity" - thrash metal
Armored Saints "La Raza" - klassisk hårdrock
Probots "S/t" - Dave Grohls lekstuga
In Mourning "The Weight Of Oceans" och "Monolith" - progressiv döds
Immolation "Majesty And Decay" - teknisk döds
Vallenfyre "A Fragile King" - döds
Red Fang "Murder The Mountains" - fuzzig rock. typ.
38 Special "Bone Against Steel" - amerikansk rock
Skellefteå AIK "17 Släppare I Krysset" - samlingsskiva med skivor från Skellefteå
Burst "Origo" - jaaaadu.. sludge/doom/metal?
Job For A Cowboy "Genesis" - svärtad teknisk döds
Deathspell Omega "Si Monumentum Requieres, Circumspice" - black metal
Dust "Dust/Hard Attack" - dubbelalbum från amerikansk 70-tal
Wolf "Evil Star" - heavy metal
Exumer "Possessed By Fire" - thrash
Crossfade "Secret Love" - AOR
High On Fire "Blessed Black Wings" - bullrig hårdrock
Konsortium "S/t" - black metal
Fair To Midland "Arrows & Anchors" - blandmetal!
Virgin Steele "Age Of Consent" - klassisk metal
Vomitory "Carnage Euphoria" - dödsmetal
Phenomena "Blind Faith" - hårdrock
Crystal Caravan "Against The Rising Tide" - rock
Fight "War Of Words" - klassisk hårdrock
Wood Of Ypres "Woods 4: The Green Album" - goth
Moloken "Rural" - doom
Wolves Like Us "Late Love" - mörk rock
Shiftlight "Distance" - post rock/hårdock
Lakei "Konspirasjoner" - blytung kolsvart sludge
Talisman "7" - klassisk hårdrock
Lucifer Was "In Anadi's Bower" - proggrock
Ne Obliviscaris "Portal Of I" - progressiv extremmetal?
Caesars Palace "Love For The Streets" - rock
Black Breath "Heavy Breathing" - döds
Abigail Williams "In The Absence Of Light" - black metal
Brazen Abbot "Guilty As Sin" - klassisk hårdrock
Jeremy Irons & The Ratgang Malibus "Bloom" - rock
Nekromantheon "Divinity Of Death" - old school dödsthrash
Portrait "Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae" - heavy metal
Alcest "Écailles de Lune" - vacker rock/black metal
Rwake "Rest" - sludge
Little Caesar "S/t" - rock
Metal Church "S/t" - thrash från 80-talet
Astral Doors "Evil Is Forever" - klassisk hårdrock
Mythological Cold Towers "Immemorial" - doom, döds
Nasum "Shift" - grindcore
Carpe Wade "Evidence" - grunge/hårdrock
Dissection "Reinkaos" - black metal
Stardog "Champions" - hårdrock
Midnight "Satanic Royalty" - black'n'roll
Illuminatus "Glasnost" - goth'n'roll
Funeral Mist "Salvation" - black metal
Godsmack "IV" - numetal/hårdrock
Misery Index "Heirs To Thievery" - döds/grind
Jupiter Society "Terraform" - progressiv metal
Voodoo Circle "Broken Heart Syndrome" - klassisk hårdrock
Agalloch "Ashes Against The Grain" - black/sludge
Ginger Trees "Along With The Tide" - rock
Electric Wizard "Black Masses" - ockult doomrock
The Presidents Of The United States Of America "S/t" - rock
Demonica "Demonstrous" - thrash
Soul Asylum "Grave Daners Union" - rock
At Vance "Chained" - hårdrock
John Norum "Optimus" - klassisk hårdrock
The Wretched End "Ominous" - svärtad döds
Stench "In Putrescence" - döds
Melechesh "The Epigenesis" - black metal
Blowback "Eight Hundred Miles" - retrorock
Demonaz "March Of The Norse" - viking metal
Sword "Sweet Dreams" - klassisk hårdrock
Vektor "Black Future" - galen progressiv thrash
Winterfylleth "The Mercian Sphere" - black metal
Nikolo Kotsev's Nostradamus "Nostradamus" - klassisk hårdrocksopera!
Barren Earth "Curse Of The Red River" - progressiv döds
The Crown "Crowned In Terror" - dödsthrash
Iommi "DEP Sessions" & "Fused" - Klassisk hårdrock
Nuclear Blast Allstars "Out Of The Darkness" & "Into The Light" - thrash och klassisk hårdrock
Killer Dwarfs "Dirty Weapons" - klassisk hårdrock
Crucifyre "Infernal Earthly Divine" - döds
City Of Fire "S/t" - goth/industri metal
Big Business "Mind The Drift" - udda indie/rock
Ex Deo "Romulus" - döds
Temple Of The Dog "S/t" - rock
Cult Of Luna "Somewhere Along The Highway" - obeskrivligt?
Rotting Christ "Aelo" - goth/black metal
JORN "The Duke" - klassisk hårdrock
Zombiekrieg "Undantagstillstånd" - thrash. På svenska!
Interment "Into The Crypts Of Blasphemy" - döds
D.A.D "Riskin' It All" - glad hårdrock
Cemetary "Sundown" - goth metal
The Four Horsemen "Nobody Said It Was Easy" - rock
Axxis "II" - tyskl kastrat-metal
Brutal Thruth "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses" - stenhård rensig döds
Millencolin "Kingwood" - thrallvänlig lättpunk
Trident "World Destruction" - döds
Baroness "Red Album" - progressiv metal
Ghost Brigade "Guided By Fire" - finsk metal
W.E.T "S/t" - Melodisk mjuk hårdrock
Gojira "The Way Of All Flesh" - dödsthrash
Propagandhi "Supporting Caste" - trallvänlig stenhård punk
Blue Murder "S/t" - 80-talshårdrock
Dynamo Chapel "Secrets Surrendered Before They're Even Kept" - rock
Moonspell "Night Eternal" - industri/black metalThe Sword "The Age Of Winters" - hårdrock
Kongh "Shadows Of The Shapeless" - doom
The Devils Blood "Come, Reap" - rock
Syn:Drom "With Flesh Undbound" - teknisk döds
SAHG "I" - hårdrock med 70-talsinfluenser
Bring Me The Horizon "Suicide Season" - metalcore
The Gates Of Slumber "Conqueror" - heavy metal
Shinedown "Leave A Whisper" - hårdrock/rock
Tyrant "Reclaim The Flame" - smutsig black metal
Bloodbath "Nightmares Made Flesh" - döds
Eddie Vedder "Into the Wild" - countryrock
Cycle Sluts From Hell "S/t" - rock'n'roll
Amorphis "Eclipse" - metal
Los Sin Nombre "Blind Leading Blind" - gothenbourg death
Martriden "The Unsettling Dark" - blackened death metal
Black Sabbath "TYR" - klassisk hårdrock
Memento Mori - "Rhymes Of Lunacy" - metal
Fireside "Fantastic Four" - hardcore
Artch "Another Return" - power metal
Khold "Morke Gravers Kammer" - black metal
Witchery "Don't Fear The Reaper" - thrash/döds
Bruce Dickinson "Tyranny Of Souls" - metal
Diamond Dogs "Black River Road" - rock
Death Angel "The Art Of Dying" - thrash
Opeth "Still Life" - Progressiv döds
Grand Magus "Wolf's Return" - heavy metal
Airbourne "Runnin' Wild" - hårdrock
Glorior Belli "Manifesting The Raging Beast" - black metal
Deathstars "Termination Bliss" - metal med goth/industritouch
Necrophobic "Hrimthursum" - döds/black metal
Annihilator "Never Neverland" - thrash
Masterplan "Masterplan" - metal
Glenn Hughes "Soul Mover" - rock
Torture Division "With Endless Wrath We Bring..." - dödsmetall
Krux "Krux" - Doom Metal
Keep Of Kalessin "Armada" - black metal
Allen/Lande "The Battle" - klassisk hårdrock
Mad Season "Above" - rock, grunge
Primordial "To The Nameless Dead" - folk/black metal
Khoma "The Second Wave" - indie/rock
Coldworker "Rotting Paradise" - grind/death metal
Novembers Doom "Pale Haunt Departure" - doom metal
Coheed & Cambria "No World For Tomorrow" - rock
Gorgoroth "Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam" - black metal
Spiritual Beggars "Demon" - klassisk hårdrock
Black Stone Cherry "Black Stone Cherry" - rock/hårdrock
Sacred Reich "Independent" - thrash
Throwdown "Venom & Tears" - metal
G/Z/R "Plastic Planet" - metal med industrisound
King's X "Dogman" - svängig hårdrock
I "Between Two Worlds" - black'n'roll
Tribulation "The Horror" - dödsmetall
Fredagslistan 2025, vecka 7: Melankoliska melodier
2 dagar sedan
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